School District of Beloit

Preparing and Inspiring Every Student to Succeed in Life and Contribute to an Ever-Changing World

Welcome to the School District of Beloit

  • On behalf of the Board of Education and the School District of Beloit we stand against all forms of systemic and institutional racism. Now more than ever it is necessary for our community’s institutions and organizations to commit to be anti-racist. We are proud of the diversity within the School District of Beloit and we acknowledge the challenges and adversity that so many of our families of color are facing. We are always committed to supporting our students, families, and staff. We are here for you and we are stronger together.

    At the School District of Beloit, we believe in Diversity (honoring and respecting our human differences); Equity (removing barriers and providing support for individuals to achieve their greatest potential); and Inclusion (ensuring each and every one belongs).

    Mission: Committed to excellence and strengthened and enriched by diversity, we prepare each student to compete, contribute, and thrive as an admirable person in a rapidly changing world by engaging students in a wide variety of high quality, relevant programs in partnership with families, schools, and the stateline community. Vision: Preparing and inspiring each student to succeed in life and contribute to an ever-changing world.

Bienvenidos al Distrito Escolar de Beloit

  • En nombre de la Junta de Educación y el Distrito Escolar de Beloit, nos oponemos a todas las formas de racismo sistémico e institucional. Ahora mas que nunca es necesario que las instituciones y organizaciones de nuestra comunidad se comprometan a ser antirracistas. Estamos orgullosos de la diversidad del Distrito Escolar de Beloit y reconocemos los desafíos y la adversidad que enfrentan muchas de nuestras familias de color. Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes, familias y personal. Estamos aquí para usted y juntos somos más fuertes.

    En el Distrito Escolar de Beloit, creemos en la Diversidad (honrando y respetando nuestras diferencias humanas); Equidad (eliminar barreras y brindar apoyo a individuos para que logren su mayor potencial); e Inclusión (asegurar que todos y cada uno pertenezcan).

    Misión: Comprometidos con la excelencia y fortalecidos y enriquecidos por la diversidad, preparamos a cada estudiante para competir, contribuir y prosperar como una persona admirable en un mundo que cambia rápidamente al involucrar a los estudiantes en una amplia variedad de programas relevantes de alta calidad en colaboración con familias, escuelas, y la comunidad. Visión: Preparar e inspirar a cada estudiante para que triunfe en la vida y contribuya a un mundo en constante cambio.

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  •  Photo of the Entrance of the Beloit Public Library

    Beloit Board of Education to Host Table Talks at Library

    “My hope is that this setup will encourage people to talk and share their thoughts about education, school programs, community involvement, and more. We will not have a formal presentation; our goal is simply to connect with everyone who joins us,” Johnson added.

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  •  Head Shot of Athletic Director for the School District Dan Gratz

    Beloit Memorial Hopes to Fund Athletic Facility Improvements with Private Donations

    “Jacobson Field is massively dated. We spend about $75,000 a year both directly and indirectly to take care of that field with the man hours and equipment it involves with fertilizing, watering, cutting and lining. Because of that, we have to bring in outside groups to help with the maintenance.”

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  •  Photo of Laila Lee

    Beloit Memorial's Laila Lee Enjoying Senior Season on Purple Tide

    As good as her junior swimming season was, she’s been even better as a senior. She is one of the team’s top freestylers, in both individual and relay events, which hasn’t surprised her head coach, Kim Waite. “She is a hard-working, determined, goal-oriented athlete,” Waite said. “She’s not your normal high school student."

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  •  Kindergarten Teacher Kristin Hosey with students

    Best Teacher in Stateline Gets to be Silly Year-Round

    For 28 of the past 29 years, Kristin Hosey has spent 10 months a year playing games, occasionally dressing in silly costumes and singing songs to kindergartners. “It definitely keeps me young,” said Hosey, a 1990 Beloit Memorial High School graduate who spent the last 15 years of her teaching career at Gaston Elementary. “At this age, they all love their teachers, they love school, they love to work.”

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  •  Two beloit memorial high school boys soccer players guarding the net

    Beloit Memorial Boys Soccer Edges Waunkee in Regional Opener

    As the lyrics of “Happy Birthday” rained down on Brian Denu in the post-game huddle on Tuesday night, the Beloit Memorial boys soccer head coach had plenty to celebrate as he grew a year older. 

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