Welcome to the School District of Beloit
On behalf of the Board of Education and the School District of Beloit we stand against all forms of systemic and institutional racism. Now more than ever it is necessary for our community’s institutions and organizations to commit to be anti-racist. We are proud of the diversity within the School District of Beloit and we acknowledge the challenges and adversity that so many of our families of color are facing. We are always committed to supporting our students, families, and staff. We are here for you and we are stronger together.
At the School District of Beloit, we believe in Diversity (honoring and respecting our human differences); Equity (removing barriers and providing support for individuals to achieve their greatest potential); and Inclusion (ensuring each and every one belongs).
Mission: Committed to excellence and strengthened and enriched by diversity, we prepare each student to compete, contribute, and thrive as an admirable person in a rapidly changing world by engaging students in a wide variety of high quality, relevant programs in partnership with families, schools, and the stateline community. Vision: Preparing and inspiring each student to succeed in life and contribute to an ever-changing world.
Bienvenidos al Distrito Escolar de Beloit
En nombre de la Junta de Educación y el Distrito Escolar de Beloit, nos oponemos a todas las formas de racismo sistémico e institucional. Ahora mas que nunca es necesario que las instituciones y organizaciones de nuestra comunidad se comprometan a ser antirracistas. Estamos orgullosos de la diversidad del Distrito Escolar de Beloit y reconocemos los desafíos y la adversidad que enfrentan muchas de nuestras familias de color. Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes, familias y personal. Estamos aquí para usted y juntos somos más fuertes.
En el Distrito Escolar de Beloit, creemos en la Diversidad (honrando y respetando nuestras diferencias humanas); Equidad (eliminar barreras y brindar apoyo a individuos para que logren su mayor potencial); e Inclusión (asegurar que todos y cada uno pertenezcan).
Misión: Comprometidos con la excelencia y fortalecidos y enriquecidos por la diversidad, preparamos a cada estudiante para competir, contribuir y prosperar como una persona admirable en un mundo que cambia rápidamente al involucrar a los estudiantes en una amplia variedad de programas relevantes de alta calidad en colaboración con familias, escuelas, y la comunidad. Visión: Preparar e inspirar a cada estudiante para que triunfe en la vida y contribuya a un mundo en constante cambio.
District Upcoming Events
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Regular Board Meeting
September 20, 2024
10:55 AM - 1:00 PM Food Truck - Gaston
September 24, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Governance Committee Meeting
September 25, 2024
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Coffee Connections with BMHS and BLA Principals
September 26, 2024
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Senior Photo
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Senior Photo
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM BMHS Parent-Teacher Term 1 Conferences
September 27, 2024
October 1, 2024
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Bus. Oper. Fin. Comm./HR/Reg. Board Mtgs
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Regular Board Meeting
SDB Bulletin
The Beloit Memorial High School Academies create an environment of learning and growth that prepares and inspires each student to succeed in life and contribute to an ever-changing world. Beloit Memorial High School Graduates are Career, College, and Community Ready thanks to our Academies, Community Partnerships, and our Portrait of a Graduate.
Las academias de Beloit Memorial High School crean un ambiente de aprendizaje y crecimiento que prepara e inspira a cada estudiante a tener éxito en la vida y contribuir a un mundo en constante cambio. Los graduados de Beloit Memorial High School están preparados para la carrera, la universidad y la comunidad gracias a nuestras academias, asociaciones comunitarias y nuestro retrato de un graduado.
SDB News
Off-Season Work Helped Beloit Memorial Football Team Start Season 3-0
Former Beloit Memorial coach Mark Anderson once said, “High school football isn’t about stars. It’s about taking average guys and making them into pretty good football players.” Of course, it helps to have a few stars, too.
Brian Michels - Beloit Rotary Teacher of the Month
“One of my biggest displays of growth is how impactful our Technology Education Department is at BMHS,” Michels said. “We as a group give out a variety of internships, youth apprenticeships, co-ops, real-world job experiences and industry certifications.
Beloit Memorial Football Team Getting Bid Push up Front from Jaedyn Coleman
Beloit Memorial assistant coach Connor McClelland watched 6-foot-3, 300-pound Jaedyn Coleman throw his weight around last spring as a top shot put and discus thrower on the track team.
BDN Features Principal Joe Vrydaghs - Principal's role is to manage great ideas
“I’m really excited for this school year because we have a phenomenal teaching staff,” said Vrydaghs, who has been the Aldrich principal since 2016. The first day of school was Tuesday. “My job isn’t to come up with the great ideas. My job is to manage 40 to 42 different great ideas from my teachers,” Vrydaghs said.
First Day of School Creates Range of Emotions
“We had a good summer with the fairs and other good stuff, but (Gabriel) loves school,” Palomares said. “We’re happy that’s he’s excited for school because that makes this a lot easier.”
Thinking Beyond Now
Fruzen Bulletin
Access the 2022-2023 school year calendar to stay up-to-date.
Acceda al calendario del año escolar 2022-2023 para mantenerse actualizado.
Early dismissal will occur on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Early Dismissal Times
- Elementary 1:30 pm
- Intermediate 2:15 pm
- BMHS 2:30 pm
- BLA 2:30 pm
La salida temprana ocurrirá el 1er y 3er miércoles de cada mes.
Horarios de Salida Temprana
- Primaria 1:30 pm
- Intermedia 2:15 pm
- BMHS 2:30 pm
- BLA 2:30 pm
The Beloit Memorial High School Academies create an environment of learning and growth that prepares and inspires each student to succeed in life and contribute to an ever-changing world. Beloit Memorial High School Graduates are Career, College, and Community Ready thanks to our Academies, Community Partnerships, and our Portrait of a Graduate.
Las academias de Beloit Memorial High School crean un ambiente de aprendizaje y crecimiento que prepara e inspira a cada estudiante a tener éxito en la vida y contribuir a un mundo en constante cambio. Los graduados de Beloit Memorial High School están preparados para la carrera, la universidad y la comunidad gracias a nuestras academias, asociaciones comunitarias y nuestro retrato de un graduado.