Academic and Career Planning

  • Academic and Career Planning (ACP) aims to provide students and their families with the tools they need to make more informed choices about post-secondary training and higher education. Every School District of Beloit (SDB) student will leave high school with the academic, social, emotional, and life skills necessary to succeed.

    Our students will learn to work together to solve real-world problems, think critically, and remain persistent when needed. The intended outcome of for students to be successful adults with fulfilling careers.

    By encouraging further career exploration, families play a crucial role in the ACP process. 

    Academic and career plans are created by all School District of Beloit students. This process begins in 6th grade and is continued through the middle and high school years. It utilizes the KNOW, EXPLORE, PLAN, and GO processes as outlined by the ACP framework created by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The academic and career plan culminates with an individual portfolio of skills and artifacts that each student has developed on this journey with the support of teachers, counselors, and other adult practitioners. Each senior presents their final portfolio to a panel as part of their graduation requirement.

Academic and Career Planning Information & Links

  • Opportunities & Events (Grades 6-12)
  • Academic & Career Planning (DPI)
  • Career Clusters and Pathways
  • Labor Market Information (DPI)
  • SDB - Digital Resources & Curriculum
  • Skyward: Student & Family Access
  • Xello

SDB Contacts

  • SDB Logo   Director of CTE & Alternative Education
       Mr. Jeff Stenroos
       Phone: 608-361-4188



    SDB Logo   Department Chair of Student Services - School Counselor
       Ms. Angela Snow
       Phone: 608-361-3028