Teaching, Learning, & Equity
The TLE Department equitably serves the district in multiple capacities:
- Overseeing and aligning 4K-12 curriculum assessment, instruction, and scope/sequencing;
- Developing and implementing professional development for certified and support staff, including New Teacher Induction and Mentoring structures;
- Directing and supervising Instructional Technology, ELL/Dual Language Immersion, 4K Early Childhood, Academic and Career Planning, Dual Enrollment, Technology & Alternative Educational Programming, Advanced Learner, Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Arts Education, Library Media departments, and Multi-Levels of Support Systems;
- Monitoring all ESSA (Title I, Title II, and Title III) programming;
- Coordinating all state standardized assessments and district screeners and Educator Effectiveness Systems;
- Planning for Summer School programming;
- Supporting and providing professional development and direction to building instructional coaches and administration;
- Maintaining district-level initiatives, including the Strategic Plan and Continuous Improvement Plans;
- Maintaining and supervising all district curriculum budgets, TLE staffing, and support