Child Find Notice

      • Annual Notice of Special Education Referral and Evaluation Procedures
        Upon request, the School District of Beloit is required to evaluate a child for eligibility for special education services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private (including religious) schools, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district.

        A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes a child brought to him or her for services is a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child's parent that the referral will be made.

        Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides.

        Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Melissa Beavers, Executive Director of Pupil Services, School District of Beloit, at (608) 361-4020, or by writing him/her at 1500 Fourth Street, Beloit, WI, 53511.

        Aviso Anual de Recomendación para educación especial y procedimientos de evaluación.
        A solicitud, el Distrito Escolar de Beloit está obligado a evaluar a un menor para determinar si éste requiere servicios de educación especial. Se conoce como recomendación a una solicitud de evaluación. Cuando el distrito recibe una recomendación, el distrito designará un equipo de Programa Individualizado de Educación (IEP, por sus siglas en inglés) para determinar si el menor tiene una discapacidad, y si el menor necesita servicios de educación especial. El distrito ubica, identifica, y evalúa a todos los menores con discapacidades que son matriculados por sus padres en escuelas privadas (incluyendo religiosas), escuelas primarias y escuelas secundarias localizadas en el distrito escolar.

        Un médico, enfermera, psicólogo, trabajador social, o administrador de una institución social quien crea razonablemente que un menor que ha sido llevado al mismo para recibir servicios es un menor con discapacidad, tiene el deber legal de recomendar a este menor, incluso si es un menor sin hogar, al distrito escolar en el cual vive el menor. Antes de recomendar al menor, la persona que hace la recomendación debe informar a sus padres que se hará dicha recomendación.

        Otros, incluyendo a los padres, quienes crean razonablemente que algún menor es un menor con discapacidad pueden también recomendar al menor, incluso si es un menor
        sin hogar, al distrito escolar en el cual vive el menor. Las recomendaciones deben hacerse por escrito y deben incluir la razón por la cual la persona cree que el menor es un menor con discapacidad.

        Las recomendación debe hacerse contactando a MELISSA BEAVERS Director de Educación Especial, DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE BELOIT, en el (608) 361-4026 o escribiéndole a 1500 FOURTH STREET.

      Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

      • The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act includes notifications districts must share with our families. The following is a list of rights families have regarding their child's education. We encourage you to contact us for more information.

        Teacher Qualifications
        There are questions you may ask, including:
        • Is my child's teacher licensed to teach the grades or subjects assigned?
        • Has the state waived any requirements for my child's teacher?
        • What was the college major of my child's teacher?
        • What degrees does my child's teacher hold?
        • Are there instructional aides working with my child? If so, what are their qualifications? 

        If you want to see the state qualification for your child's teacher you can find it on the DPI website.

        Homeless Student Notifications (McKinney-Vento)
        Schools are required to notify parents of homeless children (and unaccompanied youth) of the following rights:

        • The availability of a local district staff person as a liaison for homeless children. 
        • Immediate enrollment and school participation, even if educational and medical records and proof of residency are not available. 
        • The availability of educational opportunities and related opportunities for homeless students (preschool to age 21), including unaccompanied youth. 
        • Enrollment and transportation rights, including transportation to the school of origin. “School of origin” is defined as the school the child attended when permanently housed or when last enrolled. 
        • Written explanation of why a homeless child is placed other than in a school of origin or school requested by the parent, with the right to appeal within the local dispute resolution process. 
        • Meaningful opportunities for parents to participate in the education of their children.
        • Parents/Guardians/UHY have the right to dispute/appeal decisions made by the district regarding eligibility, school selection or enrollment.

        More information about the McKinney-Vento Act and staff contact information can be found by clicking here.

        Students with Limited English Proficiency (English as a Second Language)
        Districts and schools using Title III funds must notify parents of the following:
        • The reasons for identifying the child as limited English proficient and for placing the child in a language instruction educational program for LEP students. 
        • The child’s level of English proficiency, including how the level was assessed and the status of the child’s academic achievement. 
        • The instructional methods to be used in the program in which the child is participating or might be assigned to and a description of all language programs that differ in content, use of English, and a native language. 
        • How the program will meet the educational strengths and needs of the child. 
        • How the program will help the child learn English and meet age-appropriate academic achievement standards. 
        • Specific exit requirements of the program, including when the transition will take place. Secondary schools also inform parents of the child’s expected date of graduation. 
        • For children with a disability, how the program will meet the objectives of an individualized education program (IEP). 
        • The notification must include written guidance that explains the following:
        • The parent’s right to have his or her child removed, immediately upon request, from the language instructional program. 
        • The other possible programs or methods of instruction available and the parent’s option to decline enrolling his or her child. 
        • How parents will receive assistance in selecting another program or method if one is offered by the district. 
        School districts are also required to notify parents of LEP children participating in a Title III program if the program is failing to help the child make progress on annual measurable achievement objectives. This notice must be provided no later than 30 days after the failure occurs and, as with all notices, must be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents can understand.
        A child may not be admitted to or excluded from any federally assisted education program on the basis of a surname or language minority status.

        Educational Options
        There are many educational opportunities available to your family, including six elementary schools (grades 4K-3), four intermediate schools (grades 4-8), Beloit Memorial High School (grades 9-12), Beloit Learning Academy (alternative learning, grades 6-12), and our district's virtual school. The State of Wisconsin offers families the option to open-enroll.

        ESEA Contact Information
        Teacher Licensing
        Didi Almendares, Executive Director, Human Resource
        Homeless Students
        Robin Stuht
        English as a Second Language
        Dual Language Immersion
        Anthony Bosco
        School Performance Data
        Theresa Morateck, Executive Director, Teaching, Learning & Equity


      • Robin Stuht Headshot
        For more information about McKinney-Vento, please call our Homeless Liaison,
        Robin Stuht at (608) 361-2220 or email her at
        How to Access Services:
        Part of the No Child Left Behind federal legislation, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act protects eligible students from discrimination and mandates equal access to educational programs and services. Students who are identified as McKinney-Vento eligible must have no barriers to their education. 
        For students new to the School District of Beloit, contact the Central Enrollment Office at (608) 361-4023 or (608) 361-4171. For current students, please contact your School Social Worker or Guidance Counselor.
        They can provide information about services as well as referrals to community agencies. You can also access the Emergency Resource Guide that provides information for Food and Nutrition, Housing, Clothing and Household items, Transportation, etc. 
        For more information and resources, access our McKinney Vento Flyer.

        A student is considered “McKinney-Vento eligible”
        he or she is presently:
        McKinney-Vento students have the rights to:
        • Living in a shelter
        • Living in a motel, hotel or campground due to lack of
           adequate housing
        • Sharing housing with relatives of others due to a
           lack of housing
        • Living at a train or bus station, a park, or in a car
        • Living in an abandoned building
        • A youth not living with a parent or guardian
        • A child awaiting foster care placement
        • A child of a migrant worker
        • In other situations that are not fixed, regular,
           or adequate for night time residence
        • Immediate school enrollment: even if they lack proof of 
        guardianship, immunizations, or school records.
        • School Choice: Students may choose to stay at the school 
           attended when
         permanently housed or to enroll in the
        school where currently living for the remainder of the
           academic year.
        • Free Lunches: McKinney-Vento students are automatically
           eligible to 
        receive free lunch for the duration of the school year.
        • School fee waivers: Students have the right to equal access to
        • Transportation: While students are in unstable housing,
           transportation is provided for students residing outside
           of their school’s attendance area.






        Parents/Guardians/UHY have the right to dispute/appeal decisions made by the district regarding eligibility, school selection or enrollment.


      Title I

      • Title I Overview
        Title I is a federal program that provides additional funding to school districts with “high percentages of low income students”.  The stated purpose of Title I is to “ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and academic assessments.”  This purpose can be accomplished by:

        1. ensuring that high-quality academic assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned with challenging State academic standards so that students, teachers, parents, and administrators can measure progress against common expectations for student academic achievement;
        2.  meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children in our Nation's highest-poverty schools, limited English proficient children, migratory children, children with disabilities, Indian children, neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance;
        3. closing the achievement gap between high- and low-performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and nonminority students, and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers;
        4. holding schools, local educational agencies, and States accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students, and identifying and turning around low-performing schools that have failed to provide a high-quality education to their students, while providing alternatives to students in such schools to enable the students to receive a high-quality education;
        5. distributing and targeting resources sufficiently to make a difference to local educational agencies and schools where needs are greatest;
        6. improving and strengthening accountability, teaching, and learning by using State assessment systems designed to ensure that students are meeting challenging State academic achievement and content standards and increasing achievement overall, but especially for the disadvantaged;
        7. providing greater decision making authority and flexibility to schools and teachers in exchange for greater responsibility for student performance;
        8. providing children an enriched and accelerated educational program, including the use of schoolwide programs or additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time;
        9. promoting school wide reform and ensuring the access of children to effective, scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content;
        10. significantly elevating the quality of instruction by providing staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development;
        11. coordinating services under all parts of this title with each other, with other educational services, and, to the extent feasible, with other agencies providing services to youth, children, and families;
        12. affording parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.

        Title I funds provide supplemental services to children in Title I schools in the form of Targeted Assistance or Schoolwide Programs. The Targeted model provides direct services to students with the greatest need for supplemental services. The Schoolwide program model provides services to all students with the focus on students with the greatest need. Both program models provide supplemental instruction and additional support to improve the academic performance of students. 

        Title I schools for 2020 - 2021 are listed below with their corresponding model program:
        Targeted Programs     
        Beloit Early Learning (BEL)

        Schoolwide Programs      
        Aldrich Intermediate 

        Beloit Learning Academy (BLA)
        Converse Elementary
        Cunningham Intermediate
        Fruzen Intermediate 
        Gaston Elementary
        Hackett Elementary
        McNeel Intermediate
        Merrill Elementary
        Robinson Elementary
        Todd Elementary

        Theresa Morateck
        Executive Director, Teaching, Learning & Equity

        (608) 361-404022

        Brooke Walker
        Administrative Assistant for Grants – Finance



      Standards Notice: Wisconsin Act 55


        Standards specify what students should know and be able to do in the classroom. Wisconsin has
        academic standards for separate content areas.

        Standards serve as goals for teaching and learning. Setting high standards enables students, parents, educators, and citizens to know what students should have learned at a given point in time. Clear statements about what students must know and be able to do are essential to ensure that our schools offer opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success.

        State law requires the District to provide the parents and guardians of all enrolled students with notice of the academic standards in mathematics, science, reading and writing, geography, and history that have been adopted by the School Board and that will be in effect during each school year. Accordingly, the District academic standards that will be in effect in these specific content areas for this school year are listed with electronic links to the detailed version of the standards.

        The District has adopted the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for English Language Arts, as formerly adapted to Wisconsin by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. A complete copy of these standards can be located and reviewed at:

        The District has adopted the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Math. A complete copy of these standards can be located and reviewed at:

        The District has adopted the Wisconsin Standards for Science. A complete copy of these standards can be located and reviewed at:

        The District has adopted the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Social Studies. A complete copy of these standards can be located and reviewed at:

        All subject areas have academic standards that guide curriculum and lesson development. Wisconsin Model Academic Standards comprise the basis for all course content, except in English Language Arts and Mathematics where CCSS are in place as well as in Science. The full list of Wisconsin Model Academic Standards can be viewed at:

        Who can I contact for more information about the District’s academic standards?
        If you have any questions about this notice, please contact: Theresa Morateck, Executive
        Director of Teaching, Learning and Equity,, 608-361-4031.

        This notice is issued pursuant to section 120.12(13) of the state statutes.


        Los estándares especifican lo que los estudiantes deben saber y ser competentes en el aula. Wisconsin tiene estándares académicos para distintas áreas de contenido.  

        Los estándares sirven como objetivos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Estableciendo estándares exigentes permite a los estudiantes, padres/madres, educadores y ciudadano saber lo que los estudiantes deberían haber aprendido en un momento dado. Afirmaciones claras sobre lo que los estudiantes deben saber y ser competentes, son esenciales para garantizar que nuestras escuelas ofrezcan oportunidades de adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para el éxito. 

        La ley estatal requiere que el Distrito proporcione a los padres/madres y tutores de todos los estudiantes inscritos, una notificación de los estándares académicos en matemáticas, ciencias, lectura y escritura, geografía e historia que han sido adoptados por la Junta Escolar y que estarán en efecto durante cada año escolar. En consecuencia, los estándares académicos del Distrito que estarán en efecto en estas áreas de contenido específico para este año escolar se listan con enlaces electrónicos a la versión detallada de los estándares.

        El Distrito ha adoptado los Modelos de Estándares Académicos de Wisconsin para las Artes del Lenguaje Inglés, tal como fueron adaptados anteriormente en Wisconsin por el Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Wisconsin. Una copia completa de estos estándares se puede localizar y revisar en:  

        El Distrito ha adoptado los Modelo de Estándares Académicos de Wisconsin para Matemáticas. Una copia completa de estos estándares se puede localizar y revisar en:

        El distrito ha adoptado los estándares de ciencias de Wisconsin. Una copia completa de estos estándares se puede localizar y revisar en: 

        El Distrito ha adoptado el Modelo de Estándares Académicos de Wisconsin para Estudios Sociales. Una copia completa de estos estándares se puede localizar y revisar en: 

        Todos los cursos tienen estándares académicos que guían el desarrollo del plan de estudios y de las lecciones. El Modelo de Estándares Académicos de Wisconsin constituyen la base de todo el contenido de los cursos, excepto en Artes del Lenguaje  Inglés y Matemáticas, donde se aplican los Estándares Esenciales Comunes Estatales (CCSS, por sus siglas en inglés) así como en Ciencias. La lista completa del Modelo de Estándares Académicos de Wisconsin puede consultarse en: 

        ¿A quién puedo contactar para obtener más información sobre los estándares académicos del Distrito? 
        Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta notificación, póngase en contacto con Theresa Morateck, Directora Ejecutiva de Enseñanza, Aprendizaje y Equidad,, 608-361-4031.

        Esta notificación se emite de conformidad con la sección 120.12(13) de los estatutos estatales.

      Title IX

      • Title IX
        The School District of Beloit is required to respond to all reports of sexual harassment. Any person with actual knowledge of sexual harassment that occurred in an educational program or activity against a person in the United States must report the sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. A report may be made either orally or in writing to the Title IX Coordinator by phone, email, mail, or any other means to ensure the receipt of the report. The Title IX Coordinator(s) are listed below.

        Didi Almendares, Executive Director, Human Resource

        To provide full transparency, you can access the Title IX Policy or the Title IX Training Outline.

      Wisconsin's Informational Guidebook on Dyslexia Related Conditions

      • Per Act 86, the informational Dyslexia Guidebook discusses screening, instruction and intervention, and resources that can support improved learning for school-aged individuals with characteristics of dyslexia. The audience for the information is broad and includes but is not limited to parents and families, educators, interventionists or reading teachers, and educational leaders.

      School District of Beloit Diversity Report

      If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

      Pupil Non-Discrimination Self-Evaluation Report 2024

      If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.