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Beloit Learning Academy to Host Expo

Beloit Learning Academy (BLA) will host its first Expo from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15, at the Cunningham Building, 910 Townline Ave.

The community is invited to come and meet with staff and students, tour the building, connect with community partners, register to win door prizes and explore all the opportunities Beloit Learning Academy (BLA) has to offer. Staff from the district’s 18-21 Transitions Program, Even Start Family Literacy, Loads2Success, GED02 (General Education Development), and BLA’s Food Market, along with dozens of community partners, will be on hand to meet with community members.

“Our Cunningham Building is home to our Beloit Learning Academy, our Even Start Family Literacy Program, our district’s 18-21 Transitions Program, and many other programs that benefit our community’s children, adolescents, teens, and adults,” said Dr. Betsy Schroeder, Beloit Learning Academy Principal.

For more information, visit the Beloit Learning Academy webpage at or the School District of Beloit’s Facebook page.

Source: Beloit Daily News