French Club

  • The BMHS French Club aims to promote enthusiasm for the French language and Francophone cultures through activities, projects, discussion, and snacks! It is an opportunity for enrichment, cultural experiences, possible initiatives and projects that look great on your resumes/applications and of course… to EAT! We will also need to raise funding for our activities, and possible field trips or outings together.

    The BMHS French Club is open to all French students and anyone with an interest in the French language or Francophone cultures.  It is recommended that you be enrolled in French 1 or above, but it is not required! The French Club is also open to students who have taken French in the past but are unable to take it this semester or year, as well.

    Meetings are announced in our French Club google classroom, in French classes, via student videos/newsletters, and on the daily announcements. If you’d like to join, let me know! Please email the Club Advisor.

    French ClubFrench ClubFrench Club
