- Gaston Elementary
- Staff Spotlights
SDB Staff Share Why They Love the School District of Beloit. Click on each photo to learn more
Staff Spotlights
Michelle Babilius | Director of School Health
This is my 7th year with the School District of Beloit. What I enjoy most about my position is working with staff, students, and families to provide support and resources for their health needs. It can be challenging for our students and families to get the proper medical attention when they might need to know what is available, what direction to take, or when to seek medical attention. My staff and I are there to guide them with good and relevant information.
I have such admiration for the students in our district; they are resilient and independent. It amazes me how well they are willing and able to learn how to manage their chronic health conditions. We have students whom my team and I have been working with since elementary school, who are now able to independently, with oversight, handle their diabetes, g-tubes, and other special needs. It's an absolute honor to watch our students learn, grow, and become so independent about their healthcare needs.
Janine Brass | Converse Music Teacher
I have taught music in the School District of Beloit for 28 years. When people ask what I do for a living, I tell them I have the best job in the world! I have the daily privilege of instilling a lifelong love and appreciation for music. I am also blessed to have had the opportunity to teach at Converse Elementary for the entirety of my 28 years of teaching. Converse is home to me. I have had so many wonderful students, co-workers and administrators over my many years teaching. I’ve had the opportunity to teach many children of my previous students.
Mark Twain once stated, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I can say with conviction that this is how I have felt during my 28 years of teaching in the School District of Beloit, WI.
Audrey Buchanan | BLA Social Worker
I am in my sixth year with the School District of Beloit as a School Social Worker and Social Work Department Chair. Forming positive relationships with students and helping them develop skills to be successful in all areas of their lives, including academically, socially, and planning for the future is what I enjoy most about my job. I marvel at our students’ resiliency. Our students have been through some extreme and tremendous trauma, yet they find a way to come to school, do what they need to do, and plan for their future. They strive to make a better life for themselves than what generations before them had. I love the stories they share with me about their lives. I love to hear their perspective on life issues and have discussions with them to make them think or see things from another point of view.
I see this repeatedly: our students strive to do what's right, achieve their goals, and make their lives better for themselves. Our district is full of wonderful, dedicated teachers, administrators, student services staff, and support staff who work extremely hard and go above and beyond to do what is in the best interest of the students and help them to succeed and become contributing members of society.
Sian Cunningham | BMHS Library Media Secretary
This is my 3rd year with the School District of Beloit, and I look forward to many more! As a Library Media Secretary, I get the pleasure of connecting with students on what books, manga, and anime they read and watch. I also work with students on their classroom research projects and direct them to credible sources of information (and how to identify these sources themselves). The passion, kindness, and helpfulness of our students always inspire me. It's so heartwarming when I see a student volunteer show another student, whom they may not know too well, the layout and sections of the library.
Our district has such driven students with talents and skills in a wide array of disciplines. Our students hold so much potential, and I'm excited to see how they shape future organizations, communities, and the world.
Donna Dooley | Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Donna Dooley is the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. She has been with our District for three years and enjoys working with the Superintendent, our SDB staff, and our SDB families. Donna keeps the Superintendent's office running smoothly and efficiently and always greets everyone with a smile, kindness, and a positive attitude.
Donna shared with us what she loves about our District, "One thing I love about our District is the teamwork! There is such a cohesive effort to ensure that the students in the School District of Beloit receive ample opportunities for success!"
Tyree Earl | Fruzen Permanent Building Substitute
I am blessed to share that I am in my 2nd year with the School District of Beloit. My job as a coach and teacher allows me to fill our students' minds and hearts with love and motivation. The most satisfying part of my day is encouraging youth to be success seekers over failure avoiders.
Every student in our district has so much untapped potential, and my job as a teacher/coach is to encourage them to use every ounce of effort to reach their ceiling. Building a positive relationship with our students and parents is incredibly important. Receiving emails from my former students telling me how much of an impact I've had on their lives, fist-bumping, and the hundreds of warm greetings I receive daily is inspirational for me. I reassure all students that academic excellence and being an outstanding person in our community is the ultimate goal for their future.
Rachelle Elliott | Director of Early Literacy and Professional Development
Rachelle is celebrating 20 years with our District. What Rachelle appreciates the most about working in our District, is the connections she gets to make in her role, “I love the staff, students, families, and community partners that I have collaborated with, and continue to do so, in Beloit. The passion and innovation in our community are inspiring and fills my soul.”
She also shared that she enjoys “the variety of ages of students I have worked with through the years. Elementary students are genuine, kind, and funny; you never know what they are going to say or do. Intermediate students are discovering who they are and how they fit into the world; it is fabulous when they start to discover their passions. High school students are adventuresome, resilient, and determined; they keep you on your toes.”
Ursula Etheridge | Fruzen Assistant Principal
Ms. Ursula Etheridge is an Assistant Principal at Fruzen Intermediate School. Ms. Etheridge has 26 years of experience with our District and is appreciated and respected for her ability to connect with students, families, and colleagues with a positive attitude and kindness.
She shared that she is “honored to serve as the Assistant Principal of Fruzen. It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth.” Ms. Etheridge’s favorite part about the students at Fruzen is “their energy and excitement, their enthusiasm for learning, their smiles just because, and their greetings and waves as they walk past me in the hallways.”
Kelley Grorud | Director of Instructional Leadership and STEAM
Kelley has been with the District for just over two years. She appreciates that her job allows her to get to know staff and students from every school across the District, “I love that I get to work with a diverse and talented group of educators and support staff, and that I have the opportunity to create, learn, and practice new things almost every day.”
Kelley notes that the collaboration among the Teaching Learning and Equity team, teachers, coaches, and administrators within the school buildings, allow for a positive learning experience for our students. “We work really hard to continue to evolve and update curricula and other academic programming so that it is rigorous and relevant for students. We study how students are learning and look for ways to continuously improve our practices. We want all of our students to find something that excites them and inspires them to become lifelong learners.”
Additionally, Kelley shared that the District continues to work hard to find the best resources and use grants to support student learning, “we are beginning to update our websites so that families can learn more about district curriculum and instruction, and how they can continue to support learning at home. I am so blessed to have become a part of the Beloit community, and feel proud of the work we are doing.”
Brandye Hereford | Merrill Principal
With 20 years of experience in the School District of Beloit, Ms. Brandye Hereford is a celebrated and appreciated educator, mentor, and leader.
Ms. Hereford shared that what she most loves about working in the District, “is that I was born and raised here. I love the connection to the community from previous relationships and years working in the District.” Her favorite thing about her Merrill students is that “they are creative and they work hard to exhibit excellence." Ms. Hereford always strives to "work with families and community partners to provide an environment where each and every students can learn and grow."
Melanie Jones | Aldrich Special Education Teacher
I have been with the School District of Beloit for four years and enjoy being a 6th grade Special Education Teacher at Aldrich Middle School. The most rewarding part of teaching is that each day brings fresh challenges and opportunities to collaborate with staff, students, and families to achieve the best possible outcomes. When a student realizes they have a supportive team beside them, their confidence soars, and they put in extra effort. I love my student’s sense of humor and their unwavering determination to persevere through adversity, even on the most trying of days.
We have exceptional staff dedicated to going the extra mile to ensure our students have a joyful and fulfilling school experience. I appreciate being a part of a team that does so.
Samuel Karns | Todd Principal
Mr. Sam Karns is enjoying his second year with the School District of Beloit. Mr. Karns is happy to be here and noted, “I love getting the opportunity every day to make a difference and have an impact in every child’s life that I come into contact with at Todd Elementary, Home of the Timberwolves! He went on to share that he enjoys, “building relationships with the families and community that we serve to create a stronger future for the students we support.”
Mr. Karns said that he appreciates the love for learning that Todd students come into school with each day. We are taking care of the whole child at Todd Elementary because we are planting seeds and building a strong foundation for students to learn both academically, socially and emotionally as well.
I love that our students are engaged and asking questions about their learning! The families and community play an integral part in the educational journey of each and every child. Here at Todd elementary we embrace the diversity of each and every person by creating equitable and inclusive opportunities for all.
These students will go on to do great things, and they are our future of tomorrow, let’s go Timberwolves Nation!!
Fonda Lewis | Gaston Principal
Ms. Lewis is celebrating her third year with our District but has been in education since 1999. Ms. Lewis shared that she loves being a part of the Gaston team, “as a team, we set the stage for the foundational learning that is so important for our student's success. I enjoy partnering with families to support their child's learning. I love seeing our students being proud of their work and accomplishments.”
Ms. Lewis added that “our Gaston Bandits help keep me positive with their excitement for learning.” Ms. Lewis is always happy to see how engaged her teachers and students are with learning, “on my morning and afternoon classroom walks, I enjoy asking the kids what they are learning. They love to tell me all the things that they are doing with their class.” However, Ms. Lewis said that her favorite activity above all else is listening to students read a book. “I love to celebrate their reading success with them! Students also make me laugh and smile with their funny stories that they love to share.”
Dayette Lindass | Kolak Education Center Secretary
Dayette has dedicated 24 years to the School District of Beloit. She began her career as an intern for the finance office. She has enjoyed her experiences in the business and finance office, curriculum, facilities, and now as a receptionist at Kolak. “I enjoy welcoming the families, new hires, and current employees to Kolak,” she shared. Dayette also mentioned that she really does appreciate her co-workers, “I really like working with my co-workers. They are a great group of people.”
Rebecca Lund | Robinson 3rd Grade Teacher
I have been fortunate to spend the past 25 years teaching at Robinson Elementary School. I graduated from Beloit College in 1998 and began my career learning from some of Beloit’s best educators. Robinson Elementary has a strong tradition of providing our students an opportunity to grow and learn each day. The part I enjoy most about teaching in Beloit at Robinson is seeing our students' excitement and abilities to achieve. When kids enter our classrooms ready to learn they can and do some pretty amazing things. This happens regularly, and it’s what motivates me to do whatever it takes to get the most out of their young minds.
My favorite day of the year is our “Victory Tour”. Seeing our seniors that once walked through our halls reminds us that we're doing great things to help our students reach their goals. I’m very thankful for the opportunities the Beloit School District has provided for me and honored to be able to give it all back to better our leaders of tomorrow.
Leah Mallot | Converse Principal
Ms. Leah Malott has been a positive and motivating influence in our District for 22 years. Her favorite thing about the students at Converse is, “their love for learning and the joy they bring to the Converse family community. I believe that It is the mission of our staff to make every student feel welcomed, connected, valued, and a part of the Converse Cougar family.”
When asked about what she enjoys most about working in the School District of Beloit, Ms. Malott responded, “I love the community of Beloit and the amazing staff, students, and families in our District. I am honored to serve as the principal of Converse and it a privilege to be a part of a staff that believes in the social and emotional well-being of our students and their academic growth.”
Antonio Martinez | Gaston Front Desk Agent
I have been with the school district for just under one year. I am the Secretary at Gaston Elementary, but you may call me the "Front Desk Agent.” Being the "Front Desk Agent" at an elementary school is very rewarding. I have many duties I have to fulfill. Whether checking parents and students in, covering our nurse when she's gone, interacting with families, or managing attendance, I enjoy every aspect of my responsibilities. My role is to help in any way I can to make our staff and students feel safe and comfortable, and I do so with positivity and kindness.
In the short time I've worked here, I've seen so much growth and potential in our students physically, emotionally, and intellectually. I love seeing them growing up and becoming exceptional thinkers, using their brains for great things. Everyone should know how RESILIENT our students are. They are faced with new challenges daily, but they always come back ten times stronger and grow from the situation they were faced with. It is such an honor to work for the district I attended as a student. I know I am a part of our student’s success. #BeloitProud
Kati McQueen | BMHS Math Teacher
I am enjoying my twelfth year with the School District of Beloit as a Math Teacher, and as a club advisor. My decision to work for the School District of Beloit was a no-brainer! As a former student of Converse, McNeel, and BMHS, I always knew that I wanted to return home to the district that molded me. Even after 12 years at BMHS, I am still constantly amazed by our students. Working with such a diverse group of young people, I am exposed to a variety of cultures, interests, and talents. I am fascinated by the experiences, passions, and expertise of our students, and learn something from them every day.
As the Faculty Advisor for the student-led Key Club, I experience first-hand the philanthropic and caring spirit of our students. Together, they lead and stand for what’s right through service and volunteerism.
Ryan McReynolds | Hackett Principal
Mr. McReynolds is entering his 5th year in the School District of Beloit, serving as the building principal at Hackett.
We asked Mr. McReynolds how the first week of school at Hackett went. He shared, "the first week was amazing. It was the best feeling having our students back in the building, and having that little bit of normalcy again. All of our staff, students, and families shared in the excitement of a new school year."
Mr. McReynolds loves the opportunity to serve the Hackett community and to be able to make a difference in the lives of others, "the diversity in Beloit, specifically at Hackett, is something we appreciate, recognize, and value as we strive for all students to find belonging, significance, and fun in their educational journey."
Chamari Moore | Hackett Assistant Principal
Ms. Moore is the Assistant Principal at Hackett Elementary School.
With 11 years experience in our school district, Ms. Moore shared that the first week went great. "We were so excited to welcome our students and families to Hackett for the 2021-22 school year! Students came in smiling and ready to learn; families were very attentive and supportive; and staff did whatever they could to make sure our first week ran smoothly!"
We asked Ms. Moore what she loved about the School District of Beloit, "What I love most about the School District of Beloit is our diversity. Each family brings something special and unique to our district and school communities. I also love our dedicated staff. They show up every day as advocates for our students and are committed to their learning and growth."
Susan Nehr | Robinson 3rd Grade Teacher
Kari Oscar | Coordinator of Specialized Behavior Supports
Kari’s career in education spans 14 years, three of which are with the School District of Beloit. What Kari enjoys most about her current positions is working “with dedicated, passionate, and driven professionals every day. I strive every day to focus my work on supporting staff by building systems and structures to foster student’s social, emotional and behavioral well-being.”
There are many things Kari loves about working in the School District of Beloit, but the families in our District are who she really enjoys the most. “The families that we serve are what I love most about working within the School District of Beloit. The multi-generational connections and tradition of attending our schools runs deep within the community. The shared sense of responsibility to provide our students with the best educational experience to better our students and in turn better our community is steeped in a deep commitment to the City of Beloit.” We could not have said it better, Kari. Our students and families benefit from the work you are doing.
Emily Pelz | BMHS Principal
I am happy to share that I am in my 18th year with our school district. My favorite thing about my job is our students - of course :). There's nothing more enjoyable than connecting with a student in a way that makes a positive impact on them. This is reinforced when a student stops me in the hallway to chat, when a student comes back to visit after graduating, when I receive a thank you note from a student, or when I see our students succeed. Every student at Beloit Memorial has incredible potential and unique strengths and talents to share. These gifts are demonstrated every day. I am proud of the achievements of our students, both big and small.
I also appreciate the synergy and positivity the staff at Beloit Memorial bring to work every day. Our priority is always the success of our students in school and in life - and our staff deliver on that priority time and time again.
Deb Prowse | BMHS Career Academy Coach
Deb Prowse is happy to share how excited she is to serve the students of the School District of Beloit in her new role.
“As the Career Academy Coach, I look forward to building new and strengthening ongoing partnerships in our community. As a successful, thriving graduate of Beloit Memorial High School and long-time (21 years) high school math teacher at BMHS, I know the potential of our students and our District. Each year we have amazing students graduate and positively represent our community in college, in the workforce, and in the military. As we at Beloit Memorial High School strengthen our career academies and business partnerships, our graduates will thrive, and they will have an even greater impact in our community and in our world."
Estefanny Sanchez-Rico | Staffing Coordinator
Estefanny will celebrate two years with our District in March 2022. Being bilingual, Estefanny makes sure that our Spanish speaking families receive all information and help in their native language. She is especially proud of this work. She shared that she loves her job “because it feels good to make a small, positive impact in someone's day. Additionally, helping our staff and families in my community is rewarding.” Estefanny enjoys being a part of team and “a group of co-workers who genuinely care about each other personally and work together.”
Dr. Betsy Schroeder | BLA Principal
Dr. Betsy Schroeder is celebrating her seventh year with the School District of Beloit and her 22nd year in public education.
Dr. Schroeder shared that she loves her job, "taking the time to greet students at the door each morning and supervising students at lunch provides an opportunity for me to check in with our kids at BLA. I am passionate about analysis data and problem solving with staff to support what our students need. At Beloit Learning Academy, I enjoy celebrating small wins and working with students to help them develop an individualized plan for graduation and beyond." Dr. Schroeder continued, "developing relationships with students, families, staff, and community partners is critical for success. I enjoy getting to know others and working together in the best interests of our kids."
When talking about the students at BLA, Dr. Schroeder's face lights up and she broadly smiles, "BLA students are respectful and resilient young adults. They are compassionate, demonstrate dedication and possess tremendous talents. As Desmund Tutu, who recently passed away, once said "Children are wonderful gifts. They have an extraordinary capacity to see into the hearts of thing and expose sham and humbug for what they are." I am proud of our students' academic success and get excited when they understand how their education can provide them with amazing opportunities for their future. #TeamBLA
Amanda Sellen | BMHS English Teacher
I have been a proud educator at Beloit Memorial High School for the past 15 years. The staff has been an amazing support system for me professionally and personally. Many of my colleagues provided guidance as I sought and pursued National Board certification. The District has offered me opportunities to be part of diversity teams and restorative practices. These have helped me foster meaningful relationships with students and their persistence and enthusiasm push me to be a better teacher. I am #BeloitProud!
Crystal Silva | BMHS Family Advocate
I have been with the School District of Beloit as a Family Advocate for three years. My role and responsibilities are incredibly fulfilling. Bridging the gap between our non-English-speaking parents and our school district is an honor. I enjoy ensuring that families, regardless of their language or background, feel heard and valued. Every day, I witness the positive impact of this role as parents become more engaged and confident in supporting their children's education.
What truly makes the school district exceptional is its commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all students. The district prioritizes diversity and embraces it as a strength, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere where students of all backgrounds can thrive. It's a friendly and positive workplace filled with dedicated individuals who genuinely care about the well-being and success of every student.
Angela Snow | BMHS School Counselor
As I reflect on my 20-year journey as a School Counselor at Beloit Memorial High School, I often think about those who have had a profound impact on my understanding of how to support students’ academic, career, and personal/social needs. My advocacy for students has contributed to their personal and career goal identification. Over the years, I have appreciated seeing students have their "ah-ha" moments, realizing their talents, strengths, and weaknesses while daring to dream bigger.
What I love most about our students is their fearlessness in asking important questions and challenging obstacles that hinder their growth. As a member of the School District of Beloit team, we actively work to promote the personal and social growth of all students through inclusion. SDB continues to expand its outreach efforts by partnering with local colleges and businesses to bring new resources to the schools and students. Students benefit from a wide range of opportunities available through our district, and I am committed to supporting them in their journey to personal and academic success.
Ryan Stengl | Fruzen Middle School Principal
Mr. Ryan Stengl is starting his third year at the School District of Beloit and has enjoyed his time with us.
He shared, “I love how our kids, teachers, and families are so resilient. The last 18 months have not been easy on anyone. I am amazed at how our students, despite many difficulties, continue to be excited to learn and see their friends and teachers. Our families are engaged and supportive. I am proud of how our Converse staff have worked so hard to welcome our students back full time.” We are happy and proud about that, too.
What Mr. Stengl really appreciates about the students at Converse is that the make him smile and laugh every day, “their positivity is contagious. I love how I can walk into any classroom in our building and see students acting with compassion, empathy, and kindness. I absolutely love my job working and supporting kids, colleagues, and families to provide a safe and supportive place for students to be successful.”
Tim Vedra | Aldrich 6th Grade Teacher
Alicia Wash | Merrill Academic Interventionist
The thing I enjoy most about my job is getting to help work with students who need extra support in learning foundational skills in math and literacy. I have been teaching in the School District of Beloit for the past 13 years, and currently in my third year as an Academic Interventionist at Merrill Elementary. My goal each day is to support students' social, emotional, and academic growth and work collaboratively with a dedicated team of staff. The school District of Beloit has some fantastic educators! I love that I can take my experience as an educator, and form partnerships with the school and community that works to mentor and guide our School District of Beloit students.
I love that at Merrill Elementary we are working collaboratively to validate, affirm, build, and bridge our students, staff, and families. I love that we work to support the whole student and where student success is celebrated daily. I love that Merrill is welcoming and diversity is celebrated by all.
Eric Weier | Director of Special Education & Student Services
Eric has been with SDB for four years and appreciates the people he works with in Pupil Services and across the district. He finds that everyone is collaborative and they work together for our students. He enjoys the fact that he “gets to help build systems and programs that support the diverse learning needs of our students and community.” Eric continued that he “gets the privilege of facilitating the inclusion of all learners within our districts' learning environments, as well as protecting the rights of individuals while promoting healthy educational systems that have an emphasis on inclusion.”
Creating a positive and culturally responsive learning environment for students is very important to Eric. “I get to support dedicated educators in adapting learning environments to help create a school climate and culture that is enhanced by the involvement of all students, particularly those with exceptional learning needs.”
Gary Wescott | Facility Engineer
Kristofer Whitney | BLA Assistant Principal
Mr. Whitney celebrates 16 years with the School District of Beloit.
In his first year as an Assistant Principal at BLA, Mr. Whitney says he is enjoying and loving the opportunity to be in a leadership role and working with such a dynamic staff, "I enjoy working with teachers and staff in our building to empower them to build relationships with students and engage students with high quality, exciting learning experiences. I appreciate the opportunity to work alongside so many wonderful colleagues who give so much of themselves to support our students."
Mr. Whitney shared that the best part of his job has been getting to know the students and working with them "to help them dream big and achieve their goals. I enjoy greeting them as they enter the building each morning. Watching our students grow, mature, and experience success is so rewarding. It is always so fun when we have built a good relationship with our students and they begin to let us see their personality and who they really are."
Jason Wilhelm | Gaston Assistant Principal
Mr. Wilhelm is celebrating his third year with our District. Mr. Wilhelm stated that he is “thrilled to be part of a team of teachers, staff, parents, and students who want to achieve great things!” He continued that he appreciates and enjoys the diversity of the student body, “our students bring such enrichment to our school and the learning environment and experiences in our classrooms.”
The one thing that Mr. Wilhelm notes about Gaston is the energy the students bring to the learning, “our students are engaged, energetic, and excited. What could be better than that?”