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BMHS Students Compete at the Wisconsin School Music Association State Solo and Ensemble Festival
Beloit Memorial High School Choral and Orchestra students competed at the Wisconsin School Music Association State Solo & Ensemble Festival. Congratulations on their silver and gold medals!
Daniel Althau, Gold Medal - Vocal Solo (Class A) and nominated for Exemplary Performance Recognition Award
Chance Cornell, Silver Medal - Vocal Solo (Class A)
Miguel Delgado, Gold Medal - Music Theater (Class A) and Silver Medal - Vocal Solo (Class A)
Alex Funk, Silver Medal - Violin Solo
Sofia Romero, Gold Medal - Vocal Solo (Class A), nominated for Exemplary Performance Recognition Award, and Gold Medal, Music Theater (Class A)
Alex Schulte, Gold Medal - Vocal Solo (Class A)
Jy'Aire Woodfork, Gold Medal - Vocal Solo (Class A) and nominated for Exemplary Performance Recognition Award