Baylor Denu
BACH Academy Student and Senior Class President, Class of 2023

June 2023 - Graduation Speech

Welcome members of the School District of Beloit Board of Education, Superintendent Dr. Garrison, Principal Ms. Pelz, Beloit Memorial faculty and staff, families, friends and most importantly, my fellow graduates of the class of 2023. It is a great honor as your senior class president to speak before you today as we celebrate one of the biggest milestones of our lives. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about speaking in front of so many people. I figured the best way to calm those nerves would be to start with a good old dad joke, so here it goes:

“What’s the best air to breathe if you want to be rich? Millionaire”

I hope that you all make a lot of money in your future! However, as the saying goes, money doesn’t buy happiness. I chose this joke among the other thousands of dad jokes out there because Beloit Memorial High School has helped teach us how we can be rich in so many other ways.

Our Beloit Memorial Class of 2023 is rich in diversity. We have learned to work side by side with people from different races, different religions, different genders and from different socio-economic backgrounds than our own. The opportunity to learn not only from our wonderful teachers but from one another is something that should be celebrated.

Our Beloit Memorial Class of 2023 is rich in the ability to overcome adversity and to adapt. A global pandemic could not hold us down. We were forced to adapt to learning through computer screens, wearing masks, and juggling the restrictions that COVID presented. We passed this test with flying colors. We are here today as stronger young people because if we can adapt to those changes, we can adapt to any situation.

Our Beloit Memorial Class of 2023 is rich in experiences. We have seen our Beloit Memorial Jazz Orchestra qualify for multiple Essentially Ellington competitions. Our academic decathlon team has had great success over the last two years. Our Knightengales put on one of the best shows in the area every year with “Rhythm of the Knight”. So many of you were able to participate in groups like Key Club, French Club and Student Senate. We continue to see our athletic teams perform well, including the BMHS Soccer team that won WIAA regional championships in two of the last three years. Who can forget all of the great times we had during Homecoming Week and at Prom? Beloit Memorial High School is truly a land of great opportunity.

Our Beloit Memorial Class of 2023 is rich in education. Our class took advantage of the large number of AP classes that are offered at BMHS. We took advantage of our academy systems that helped us put our futures in perspective. We took advantage of all the classes that our peers in other schools could not benefit from like welding, construction, cabinetry, automotive courses and all the wonderful tech ed opportunities we were offered. Our educational experiences at Beloit Memorial will guide us as we move on to college, the military or into an apprenticeship or job.

Our Beloit Memorial Class of 2023 is rich in relationships. We have built friendships that will last a lifetime. Our experiences together as classmates and teammates will always be highlights of our childhood. Distance may change the dynamics of those relationships a bit, but we will always have the memories of our experiences together at Beloit Memorial High School. Those times together in the classroom, in the lunchroom and on the athletic field will never be forgotten.

We are all moving on to the next chapter of our lives. Beloit Memorial High School has been our home for the last four years. It’s a part of the story our lives will write over the next 60 or 70 years. Embrace your Beloit experiences and sprinkle some of the lessons you have learned here on those you encounter over the years. Continue on this journey of life and be great! There are roughly 3.7 million high school seniors in the US right now and we have all had the privilege to be a part of the little over 300 most amazing seniors of that gigantic number.

Thank you to all the families and friends who are able to experience this moment with us today.

Fellow graduates, as we transition from BMHS students to Purple Knight alumni, I hope for nothing but rich things in your future. Quoting former congresswoman Gabby Giffords - “Be Bold. Be Courageous. Be Your Best!” Thank you!

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